Get out the tissues because this is too sweet!
Vru gave me a very easy checklist for this build - rooftop, house music vibes, cozy outdoor space. The setup took maybe a couple of hours (and we could have cut time off of that if we'd not gone back and forth over neon, haha) and I have to say, the final result was really nice! So nice, in fact, that the rooftop will be staying up for a while.
Honestly, making the backdrop for Shellina's video was awesome. She's an incredibly talented and lovely human - everyone I know has only wonderful things to say about her.
If you haven't seen these animations yet and have been looking for high-quality MM/FF couples animations, Dionysus and Sapphos are available at the current round of Anthem, but will be available in the main store soon after.
If there's anything in the video you want to get your hands on (other than Vru - I can't help you there) just give me a shout. You can see photos of the set over in the Gallery.
And in closing, please remember to be kind to one another!
"Pride is a time to uplift the space that exists for everyone, and to celebrate one of the most positive aspects of the human experience - love and care for self and others." - Mia Morton
All My Love,
Lemony ♥
(The avatars aren't mine so I can't give you any details on them... but weren't they gorgeous?!)
Buildings: "My Rooftop Life" set, Soy.
Wall Decor: Seven Emporium, Apple Fall, Mithral, Backbone
Sofa and Ottoman: Jagger set, ~BAZAR~
Bar: Nuit, Elm x Fourth Wall
Elevator: David Heather
Beer Crates: No. 59
Turntable and record cart: Soy.
Stereo: Howl
Outdoor Bar: Granola
Furniture: Portland Furniture Fatpack, Scarlet Creative
Rugs: NOMAD (from the yurt), Apple Fall
Plants: Dust Bunny, Hive, Ariskea, PLAAKA, DaD, Nutmeg
Food and Drink: Lucas Lameth, {moss&mink}, Fancy Decor, No. 59